Sunday, September 21, 2008

Five things the world cares about this week...

So, what is the world, and more specifically the BBC focused on when it comes to this election?
1. Economy
2. election finances
3. Palin's email hacking
4. psychology of Obama & Palin
5. Palin-Biden upcoming debate

How could the economy NOT be the most important issue? Although there aren't a lot of stories about this on the front page, they have many editorials about it. The story on the US economy is the one on the homepage, though. The economy was in danger of crashing earlier this week. The second set of stories, I think were popular because people are interested in the economy, and how much money that the candidates are spending ties in to that. Are they being more conservative when the economy is bad? (no)

Like I said on Friday, the BBC was comparing big-city Obama to small-town Sarah. This, again, was the chance for the media to focus on things other than the issues. That also fueled the Palin-Biden debate article. Rather than talking about the issues, they talked about Biden's popularity or lack thereof, or his comments about how Hilary should have his position.

The BBC does keep a profile of what the candidates think and plan to do about the issues, and I feel that the BBC will have actual issue coverage once the debates begin... but until then, I think that we're going to be looking at character and word wars...

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