Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wrap Up and top 5...

Under 50 days left to win this election? What does the BBC think we should be looking at to decide who to vote for?
1. Sarah Palin's ABC special
2. Sarah Palin's family
3. Obama's fund raising ability
4. Sarah Palin on Sarah Palin ad, and Obama's refusal to apologize
5. 9-11 remembrance.

Looking at classmate's blogs, it appears that the BBC is following the America media as far as the agenda they are running. Sarah Palin has certainly shaken things up in the entire world. While many analysts might say that Palin was not vetted as she should have been, I think that McCain can see what happened to Obama in primary season, and I'm seeing a paralell to what is happening now.

Hillary 'leaked' things like the picture of Obama in a turban, and then the tape of his minister was all over the television. It seemed that no matter what you heard about him, his popularity continued to explode. The more controversy, the more he became recognized and popular. Sarah Palin stepped up, and she has been criticized for her pregnant daughter and her 'abstinence' push; the 'troopergate' scandal; the fact that she has children, one of which is special needs, one is pregnant, and the other in Iraq (all under age 20) and she's running for one of the most powerful positions in governement (time commitment?); and let's not forget the fact that she is 44 with little experience, which just happens to be the entire platform that McCain had built his election on...

Someone once said that 'there's no such thing as bad press,' and I think McCAin and Palin are experiencing those consequences... One thing is for sure; the BBC has bit on, and caught Palin fever...

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