Sunday, September 14, 2008

Obama Returns

5:39 PM Sunday, September 14, 2008

After a week with Sarah Palin in the headlines, Obama returns. The main story this week is that Obama got almost a half million new donors and beat his previous fundraising record. In this month, he raised over $66 million...

They talk about how he will have much more money than McCain, which Obama will need after Palin's big premier on Thursday. Even though this was the headlining story, you couldn't help but notice the story underneath. That, my friends, is another story about Sarah Palin, and her husband being supenaed in the 'troopergate scandal'.

In their blog section, they have articles about what we've learned about SArah Palin, and what the American people are looking for in a president. Although there seems to be a larger number of stories about the REpublicans, they tend to have a more negative slant than those about the democrats, making it seem as though, they are a little more left...

This is another week of unimportant issue discussion... Although, the candidates' ethics are important, we should move on to the plan to solve the energy crisis; or how we can improve the economy; or what the president means to the rest of the world. Instead, we're looking how much money they are spending now; I can think of a lot of things that $66 million dollars could buy other than ads smearing John McCain... say, solving world hunger-- or perhaps fighting illertacy?

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