Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's wonderful to fool the pundits, we're going to win in the state of Pennsylvania

The main article for today, October 28, 2008 10:37 pm, is about the battleground states, and McCain trying to catch up. McCain and Obama has spent a lot of time in Pennsylvania and North Carolina... and the BBC is not doubting McCain.

Sometimes I wish I had a news source more biased... Again, this article is straightforward. It says, yeah, McCain is behind... But he says he's catching up. Yeah, McCain is neck in neck with Obama in North Carolina, a state that hasn't voted democrat since the 60s or 70s, but McCain has been visiting, and it could still go either way.

They do say, "[McCain] He is the first Republican in many years to find himself outgunned financially and outmuscled on the ground, our correspondent says.

As if to hammer home the point, Mr Obama has bought a costly 30-minute "infomercial" due to be shown on leading US networks on Wednesday evening."

While some may believe this might make it look a little biased, I can't help but see that it is the truth... I think the only thing that McCain can hope for now is lots of racist Americans...

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