Friday, October 31, 2008

Pack it up, Honey. We're going to the White House.

This is the point at the high school basketball game when the kids start yelling, "Warm up the buses" or "It's all over."
Friday, October 31, 2008 11:42 pm.
No tricks here; only treats for Obama. In the final days before the election, Obama is moving into typically Republican states. While McCain is in Ohio, and Palin in Pennsylvania, Obama is making stops all over the US, and pouring more money into states like Georgia; a state only voted for a democrat once in the last 20 years.

However, the BBC is still giving McCain a chance. They say that he could be the underdog... That's what he is claiming, so they are reporting it.

Are they giving McCain too much credit? Or are they just trying to 'make news'? They said national polls say that Obama is way ahead overall, but battleground states' polls make it seem closer. After the freshmen seminar presentations, I don't know if I buy it...

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